
A simple data viewer for data of type json or python object, which shows the data in an interactive list-view on HTML pages.

Show source code for above example
.. data-viewer::

     "Peter Meister": {
       "firstname": "Peter",
       "surname": "Meister",
       "is_female": false,
       "city": "Munich",
       "age": 26,
       "height_m": 1.86,
       "nicknames": ["Peti", "Pet", "Bomber"]
     "Sandra Wilson": {
       "firstname": "Sandra",
       "surname": "Wilson",
       "is_female": true,
       "city": "London",
       "age": 32,
       "height_m": 1.67,
       "nicknames": ["Sandy", "Wilma"]

Supports data from data-viewer content, files or variables from a conf.py configuration.


Use pip to install Sphinx-Data-Viewer

pip install sphinx-data-viewer

Then add it to the extensions of your conf.py file

extensions = [



Sets a title in front of the data representation.

Default: None

.. data-viewer::
   :title: My first data viewer example

   ["apple", "orange", "banana"]

My first data viewer example


Use expand to show the complete data.

expand does not need any value, as it is a flag and its usage is enough to set it to True.

Default: False (not set)

.. data-viewer::

      "Peter Meister": {
         "firstname": "Peter",
         "surname": "Meister",
         "city": "Munich",
         "age": 26,
         "height_m": 1.86,
         "nicknames": ["Peti", "Pet", "Bomber"]
      "Sandra Wilson": {
         "firstname": "Sandra",
         "surname": "Wilson",
         "city": "London",
         "age": 32,
         "height_m": 1.67,
         "nicknames": ["Sandy", "Wilma"]


Use file to load data from a file.

file takes an absolute or relative path. If it is relative, an absolut path gets calculated based on current document path.

Default: None

.. data-viewer::
   :file: test.json
    "_id": "61a0891a674f1c06f0477709",
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    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 26,
    "eyeColor": "blue",
    "name": "Kristi Jefferson",
    "gender": "female",
    "company": "ZILLATIDE",
    "email": "kristijefferson@zillatide.com",
    "phone": "+1 (983) 481-2169",
    "address": "451 Marconi Place, Temperanceville, Missouri, 3245",
    "about": "Sint ipsum voluptate pariatur sunt est ad deserunt commodo mollit reprehenderit minim tempor mollit ipsum. Minim mollit nulla aliqua dolor nulla. Laboris duis fugiat et officia amet quis voluptate officia ullamco id. Enim consectetur anim culpa sint sunt ipsum elit do incididunt nostrud elit amet culpa ad.\r\n",
    "registered": "2014-01-16T10:48:53 -01:00",
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    "email": "coffeybeach@buzzness.com",
    "phone": "+1 (861) 583-2393",
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    "about": "Do excepteur excepteur aliquip sint sit pariatur dolore ullamco laboris. Eiusmod qui adipisicing excepteur anim cillum anim in velit id. Veniam cillum minim amet amet reprehenderit irure esse. Aliquip eu ullamco et ex anim. Irure ea dolore ad consectetur laboris consequat mollit eu irure in sit magna consequat. Eu nisi do labore est Lorem aute ea est enim Lorem et veniam sit nisi.\r\n",
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    "about": "Quis minim dolor anim non qui. Culpa eiusmod incididunt veniam excepteur magna voluptate aute. Sunt magna tempor non quis aliqua eiusmod eiusmod duis et. Sunt sit occaecat excepteur deserunt pariatur adipisicing mollit. Et ipsum adipisicing magna dolor commodo veniam culpa incididunt culpa. Mollit veniam fugiat cupidatat est excepteur. Do pariatur eiusmod in qui quis laboris sint ullamco tempor nostrud ut.\r\n",
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    "about": "Commodo minim amet pariatur ex ut occaecat enim velit. Sit est et voluptate exercitation. Id enim ipsum non laboris aute pariatur fugiat quis. Dolor esse esse labore laboris ex labore nulla incididunt laborum pariatur ipsum ipsum incididunt non.\r\n",
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    "phone": "+1 (919) 465-2279",
    "address": "618 Bills Place, Jugtown, Palau, 7788",
    "about": "Cillum magna Lorem cillum irure et nulla elit exercitation. Excepteur exercitation exercitation duis culpa ut aliqua ullamco aliqua nisi incididunt exercitation exercitation dolor. Deserunt non enim aute sint sunt id dolore nulla eu cupidatat. Est adipisicing quis enim sint enim veniam ut irure eiusmod ex anim. Ullamco id minim ea mollit qui id.\r\n",
    "registered": "2020-06-14T09:45:04 -02:00",
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    "friends": [
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        "id": 1,
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    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
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    "company": "CHILLIUM",
    "email": "alvaradomelendez@chillium.com",
    "phone": "+1 (800) 442-3551",
    "address": "103 Ludlam Place, Bainbridge, Georgia, 6493",
    "about": "Quis labore aliqua dolor reprehenderit cupidatat. Adipisicing anim irure velit commodo fugiat velit laboris cillum fugiat deserunt. Non do sunt consectetur aliquip commodo deserunt commodo pariatur dolor deserunt. Aute ea culpa laborum enim aute ipsum. Consectetur ipsum ex aliqua ex irure qui occaecat. Aute id duis laboris quis ullamco amet veniam voluptate eiusmod reprehenderit aute non. Incididunt labore occaecat culpa ullamco ut exercitation pariatur duis enim velit laboris aliqua eu sint.\r\n",
    "registered": "2021-06-10T01:25:33 -02:00",
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    "friends": [
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    "favoriteFruit": "banana"
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    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 34,
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    "email": "elisabethstrickland@aquoavo.com",
    "phone": "+1 (917) 501-3354",
    "address": "117 Jerome Street, Springville, Delaware, 7395",
    "about": "Id sit consectetur est pariatur ipsum minim quis nulla eiusmod nulla magna commodo sint. Minim commodo elit minim mollit cupidatat quis minim. Duis commodo ullamco id pariatur enim. Adipisicing ad labore amet eu aute.\r\n",
    "registered": "2016-03-19T03:48:29 -01:00",
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    "favoriteFruit": "strawberry"
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    "email": "luzbridges@comtrail.com",
    "phone": "+1 (883) 406-2760",
    "address": "273 Locust Avenue, Juarez, Virginia, 6678",
    "about": "Duis proident ullamco fugiat aute mollit enim commodo. In tempor in tempor ex ex id incididunt esse do ea in reprehenderit. Ad anim dolor eu non excepteur sint eu anim ea dolor. Aute laborum occaecat reprehenderit culpa enim.\r\n",
    "registered": "2014-02-11T01:25:36 -01:00",
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    "friends": [
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    "favoriteFruit": "strawberry"
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    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 40,
    "eyeColor": "brown",
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    "gender": "male",
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    "email": "greenecarpenter@koffee.com",
    "phone": "+1 (848) 405-3406",
    "address": "658 Cortelyou Road, Clay, Rhode Island, 9355",
    "about": "Minim nostrud non deserunt adipisicing excepteur ullamco. Ex mollit pariatur reprehenderit elit ullamco est irure officia culpa id. Lorem eu Lorem ut dolore minim cupidatat. Exercitation culpa pariatur in exercitation nulla laboris minim do qui consectetur deserunt culpa nulla incididunt. Esse veniam reprehenderit Lorem eu proident officia duis officia in aliqua eiusmod. Minim cillum exercitation laboris ea est sint dolor ipsum.\r\n",
    "registered": "2014-08-31T06:52:58 -02:00",
    "latitude": -29.658821,
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    "tags": [
    "friends": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Haley Richmond"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Rogers Case"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Hewitt Fisher"
    "favoriteFruit": "strawberry"
    "_id": "61a0891a6e0a0070b0863f7c",
    "index": 11,
    "guid": "8c55ee96-81b4-46a2-8555-1d65566475da",
    "isActive": true,
    "balance": "$3,006.50",
    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 36,
    "eyeColor": "brown",
    "name": "Selma Terrell",
    "gender": "female",
    "company": "EARTHPLEX",
    "email": "selmaterrell@earthplex.com",
    "phone": "+1 (920) 520-3529",
    "address": "194 Adelphi Street, Mayfair, North Dakota, 546",
    "about": "Ex nostrud aute officia magna laboris mollit sit aliqua qui incididunt voluptate. Dolore anim sunt duis ut eiusmod ex qui. Id quis cillum Lorem esse do exercitation esse sunt nisi voluptate sit non. Reprehenderit voluptate deserunt nisi consectetur deserunt aute ea aliquip eu.\r\n",
    "registered": "2020-03-10T01:47:01 -01:00",
    "latitude": -47.548179,
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    "tags": [
    "friends": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Hahn Brennan"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Raquel Tran"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Bradshaw Winters"
    "favoriteFruit": "banana"
    "_id": "61a0891a2b62527ed7cdf215",
    "index": 12,
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    "isActive": false,
    "balance": "$1,804.99",
    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 28,
    "eyeColor": "blue",
    "name": "Mckinney Mcmillan",
    "gender": "male",
    "company": "PULZE",
    "email": "mckinneymcmillan@pulze.com",
    "phone": "+1 (850) 401-3836",
    "address": "164 Knickerbocker Avenue, Virgie, Colorado, 5807",
    "about": "Dolore aute deserunt in eu enim sint est ipsum fugiat pariatur sunt nisi eu ea. Occaecat aute veniam adipisicing ad sunt est quis veniam eiusmod consequat fugiat commodo. Commodo elit aliqua nisi cillum quis quis laboris minim dolor magna id in.\r\n",
    "registered": "2019-12-09T04:12:53 -01:00",
    "latitude": 38.619051,
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    "tags": [
    "friends": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Cleveland Lamb"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Kerr Vasquez"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Dorsey Campos"
    "favoriteFruit": "banana"
    "_id": "61a0891a8bc3ddae13479c18",
    "index": 13,
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    "isActive": false,
    "balance": "$2,233.27",
    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 28,
    "eyeColor": "blue",
    "name": "Hazel Campbell",
    "gender": "female",
    "company": "HOMELUX",
    "email": "hazelcampbell@homelux.com",
    "phone": "+1 (821) 451-2983",
    "address": "374 Maujer Street, Cetronia, Oregon, 9926",
    "about": "Dolore ut elit minim proident excepteur excepteur magna cillum officia adipisicing proident deserunt. Consectetur ipsum minim ex elit. Ut consequat ut nostrud aliqua fugiat in esse tempor qui.\r\n",
    "registered": "2015-02-18T11:25:44 -01:00",
    "latitude": -24.219396,
    "longitude": 47.247109,
    "tags": [
    "friends": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Eddie Ortiz"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Lena Gillespie"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Cummings Heath"
    "favoriteFruit": "apple"
    "_id": "61a0891a55c66f848a09012b",
    "index": 14,
    "guid": "0c6f1ca4-9409-403c-a2f8-05cf6557fd1f",
    "isActive": true,
    "balance": "$3,372.21",
    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",
    "age": 24,
    "eyeColor": "blue",
    "name": "Irma Stevens",
    "gender": "female",
    "company": "GENEKOM",
    "email": "irmastevens@genekom.com",
    "phone": "+1 (936) 539-2186",
    "address": "499 Sutton Street, Savannah, New Mexico, 5482",
    "about": "Aute aliqua esse aute magna eu nostrud incididunt id nulla ea irure incididunt sunt. Reprehenderit ipsum sunt sint est sunt ullamco ad mollit incididunt est velit ad dolore sunt. Mollit anim ipsum sint elit ea. Tempor culpa deserunt minim fugiat anim commodo aliquip est occaecat. Ex mollit laboris pariatur ullamco ex ex laboris est adipisicing est sunt.\r\n",
    "registered": "2020-04-22T12:38:00 -02:00",
    "latitude": -39.660368,
    "longitude": 162.640521,
    "tags": [
    "friends": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Sharlene Flores"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Graham Britt"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Jeannie Oneal"
    "favoriteFruit": "strawberry"


data defines a key, which is taken to look up for data in the configuration variable data_viewer_data.

Default: None

.. data-viewer::
   :data: my_data
# Inside conf.py

data_viewer_data = {
    "my_data": {
        "name": "Mario",
        "job": "plumber",
        "magic_tubes": [2, 7, 23, 43.5]


The data must be always valid json-data, if it is coming from the content of data-viewer or if it gets read from a file.

If data option is used to read data from the data_viewer_data option of your conf.py, this referenced object gets loaded via json.dumps(), so that the object must be serializable.

Parsing exception can happen during Sphinx-Build and in the used JavaScript code when the browser loads the page.

If the JavaScript code detects problems, some error text gets printed on the webpage.

Problem: Missing , after "Peter"

Problem: Missing `,` after `"Peter"`

.. data-viewer::

     "name": "Peter"
     "user": "peterbomber"

Works well with…

Here are some ideas and examples, how data-viewer could be used together with other Sphinx extensions.


Use Sphinx-Needs to define process elements like requirements and specifications. And Sphinx-Data-Viewer to explain data structures more easily.

Specification: /api/user return value SPEC_001 _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
tags: endpoint, user

For our API endpoint /api/user the default data structure of the return value of a successful GET request shall look like:

.. spec:: /api/user return value
   :id: SPEC_001
   :tags: endpoint, user
   :status: open

   For our API endpoint ``/api/user`` the default data structure of the return value of a successful GET
   request shall look like:

   .. data-viewer::

         "username": "peterbomber",
         "email": "peterbomber@my_company.net",
         "active": true


Sphinx-Design can be used to bring cards, tabs and dropdowns into your documentation. It can help you to show source code or the data-viewer on user requests only.

All the dropdowns and tabs on this side got realised by Sphinx-Design.

Take a look into the current page source for a bunch of examples.

Data-Viewer 1

Data-Viewer 2

.. grid:: 2

    .. grid-item-card::

       Data-Viewer 1

       .. data-viewer::

             "name": "Peter",
             "pets": ["dog", "cat"]

    .. grid-item-card::

       Data-Viewer 2

       .. data-viewer::

             "name": "Sandra",
             "pets": ["squirrel"]


This software project is released under the MIT license.

See LICENSE file for more details.


Small API to create Data-Viewer nodes from other Sphinx extensions

sphinx_data_viewer.api.get_data_viewer_node(title, data, expand=True)

Returns a docutils node, which represents a configured data-viewer.

  • title – Title for the viewer as string

  • data – Data as python objects, which must be serializable by json.dumps()

  • expand – True or False as boolean. If True all data will be shown.


Configured DataViewerNode instance


The javascript code is based on the wonderful work of https://github.com/pgrabovets/json-view.





  • Bugfix: Fix for builders, which do not support registration of CSS/JS files (e.g. sphinxcontrib-spelling)




  • Improvement: Updated project documentation to use the useblocks theme.

  • Bugfix: Avoids multiple registrations of the same CSS/JS file.




  • Bugfix: Fixed wrong handling of windows path. (#2)




  • Improvement: Provides API

  • Improvement: Restructured code




  • Improvement: Provides data-viewer directive

  • Improvement: Options added: file, title, data, expand